Common Fears of Manufacturing Software Time

  Continuing with part 2 of our Overcoming Fears of ERP Software series, we will analyze how to Overcome the Fear of Manufacturing Software Time.  As a culture, we are completely obsessed with time.  We have the ability to tell time on our watches, our phones, our computers, in our cars, on … [Read more...]

Common Fears of Manufacturing Software Cost

Fear is a paralyzing thing - it can force perfectly rational people to act in very foolish ways.  Take katsaridaphobia for example (fear of cockroaches) - screaming while jumping up and down on the toilet is not a rational way to deal with the small problem of a cockroach on the floor.  The solution … [Read more...]

Manufacturing ERP: On-Premise vs. Cloud in 2013

Trying to determine whether your company needs an on-premise or a cloud manufacturing ERP solution to manage your business?  With the market share of cloud based solutions increasing in the marketplace from 6% in 2011 to 16% in 2012 - it's easy to understand why you might be considering the merits … [Read more...]

A Different Approach to Manufacturing ERP Software

If you're in the market for a new manufacturing ERP software solution for your business, the purchasing cycle can be a long and drawn out process.  The reality is, most ERP solutions share 80-90% of the same functionality - a labor collection transaction is a labor collection transaction, no matter … [Read more...]