Continuing with part 2 of our Overcoming Fears of ERP Software series, we will analyze how to Overcome the Fear of Manufacturing Software Time. As a culture, we are completely obsessed with time. We have the ability to tell time on our watches, our phones, our computers, in our cars, on … [Read more...]
Common Fears of Manufacturing Software Cost
Fear is a paralyzing thing - it can force perfectly rational people to act in very foolish ways. Take katsaridaphobia for example (fear of cockroaches) - screaming while jumping up and down on the toilet is not a rational way to deal with the small problem of a cockroach on the floor. The solution … [Read more...]
JOBSCOPE is Attending FABTECH – Are You?
FABTECH 2012, Nov. 12-14 - Las Vegas, Nevada Once again, Jobscope, providers of manufacturing ERP software, will be attending North America's largest metal forming, fabricating, finishing, and welding exposition and conference - FABTECH. The event exists to bring buyers and sellers together in a … [Read more...]